Do you remember that waiting I was talking about in my last post!
Well we waited and waited for what felt like for ever and eventually we got an answer.
The question which was asked was Does God want Chris( my husband) to go and train to be a vicar?
And the answer which came back after he had to go off to something called BAP (Bishop's Advisory Panel) was a resounding YES!
And so it begins time for a change time to move into another chapter of our lives.
Time for a move.
Time to change schools for the boys!
Time for the smallest one to start school.
Time for Chris to go back to college to train and time for me to start a degree.
Now I have toyed long and hard with starting a new blog to cover this new Chapter of our lives but this morning a thought came to me!
We are shaped by our past.
Our past makes us what we are now.
So for good or bad our past make us who we are.
God uses our past experiences to shape us and help us reach out to people in our future!
So there we are I think a new blog name is not to be and for the moment I will stick with the old one.
Use this blog. You already have a following and I love to hear about the direction your lives are taking. I will keep reading and always hope for the best for you and yours. XOXO