
Saturday, 6 March 2010


I cannot belive how much rubbish is NOT in out bin!

The bin was collected last week and so far the only rubbish that has gone into the bin is plastic which cannot be recycled, which actually is very little. We use disposable nappies for Baby B as because of my condition I cannot guarantee that I can wash they quick enough to be used again althoguh when Baby B starts potty training we have some reuseables ones for then! The disposbale nappies are as present going into a box with a lid in the garden!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! :)

    Have you checked out the 'diaper-free baby' also known as EC or 'elimination communication' - the trick is to notice grimaces or nonverbal bodysigns before the baby poops and quickly run to the loo/potty/sink - some babies have been diaperfree from birth! :)
    I wrote about it here:
    There's lots of info online, support forums etc!


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