Now for most of us in the west Christmas is a time of excess. Too many presents, Too much food.
But perhaps Christmas is a good a time as any to remember about the people in this world who don't have as much as we do!
Every year we in the Elephant house try and do our bit! We try and Create a Shoebox parcel for four Children and we normal try and match them up to the ages of the four little elephants in this house.
Dear Elephant one is 13 ( Just before Christmas)
Dear Elephant two is 11
Dear Elephant three is 10 ( just before Christmas as well)
and Baby Elephant is 3.
We try and do it this way so that the children have a say in what goes into the boxes so they know that what they are sending to another country is something that they would like to recieve if it were the other way around
These shoe box parcels can go anywhere in the world to from Hatit to the Ukraine. They are a little way of showing love to another child in a far of country that may not have any. I have heard stories of the children even keeping the wrapping paper off the decorated parcels to stick up on the walls of their homes. Click on the links to see the stories of children that have recieved boxes in these countries.
You don't need to spend a fortune on bits to go inside them quite often at this time of year lot sof the stationery things on sale in supermarkets have been reduced whilst they try to clear their stock I just pick up a couple of the reduced items and add them to my shopping so that they can be added to the boxes.
If you are not sure about what to pack into a shoebox click on the teddy and he will take you through to the Operation Christmas Child gift list that will tell you what to pack and what not to!
Images kindly supplied by The Operation Christmas Child Website
Great to hear that you are getting invovled with this great campaign. Well done to you and your little elephants...