
Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The Real Nappy Project

You know that post I did this morning about trying real nappies again!

Well by a great coincidence I had a phonecall from the lovely Hettie at the Real Nappy Project.

Saying that she was going to drop my loan kit round I say mine but of course it is Baby's B.

Baby B is now the proud borrower of a wonderful set of Real nappies, nappy buckets, wraps and reusable wipes!

The Real Nappy Project has loaned us a big pack of goodies so that we can try and reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill even further!

The best laid plans of Mice and Men.............

Well I had all these wonderful plans about putting baby B into reuseable nappies when we came back from our weekend in London!

Well we came back and I ended up with a cold, then flu and my body just didn't want to play or well! Try again when the weather gets better and my body decides it likes the warer weather.

On the bin front we DID IT! HOORAY

The bin lasted a whole month before we put it out and then I had to put it out becuase the small green reclying box which we had been using to store the rubbish in was getting too full! Although if we didn't have the nappies in the big bin we could have last at least another month!

Right of to school to watch the Easter Service Master A is playing Jesus so I think i had better go and watch!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

The grand weigh in!

Well Mr, Mrs and Miss Green have just been to visit and have weighed the contents of my rubbish bin and the contents weigh only 800grams!

I am amazed and that includes all the junk that was found in Master A's Bedroom when we took down the cot!

There is so little rubbish that I have managed to compact it down and it now fits inside the reclying box.

Monday, 8 March 2010


What am I going to do?

I decided that now Baby B was sleeping in a big bed, the bottom part of the bunks that he now shares with Master A it was time to take down the cot!

Well whilst doing this re-arranging of furniture I discovered loads of things in master A's Bedroom that really were broken or just pure rubbish.

Now here is the problem I now have a waste paper basket of rubbish that I am going to have to sort out before it can go anywhere near the BIG BLACK BIN!

Paper is fine

Cardboard is fine

Tissues can be dealt with when we hopefully get a compost bin.

But I have a horrible feeling that there are some nasty plastic things lurking at the bottom of the bin!

Oh well the rubbish can stay in the bin until tomorrow and I am going to knit!

Saturday, 6 March 2010


I cannot belive how much rubbish is NOT in out bin!

The bin was collected last week and so far the only rubbish that has gone into the bin is plastic which cannot be recycled, which actually is very little. We use disposable nappies for Baby B as because of my condition I cannot guarantee that I can wash they quick enough to be used again althoguh when Baby B starts potty training we have some reuseables ones for then! The disposbale nappies are as present going into a box with a lid in the garden!